UPDATE on test results. So, the last time I saw the doc, I asked her to test my iron (thinking of my ferritin levels, hoping they’ve dropped since I’ve been eating a lot of cabbage which is supposed to reduce the iron in my body). I’ve since learned that “ferritin” is NOT iron! I discovered this from my last test results. Because I’d asked to have my “iron” tested, they did that AND they tested my “ferritin.” Turns out, my iron is “normal,” BUT my ferritin has continued to increase. From this I learned that ferritin is a protein that carries iron around the body to all the places it needs to be. But my ferritin levels are too high, and they are continuing to rise. So, now I want to know what “causes” the ferritin to rise.
The first Google search I made revealed that high ferritin is caused by inflammation, which can mean I have liver disease (which I don’t, my liver is in good shape) or some form of cancer, such as Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I HAD Non-Hodgkins T-cell Lymphoma. UGH. Of course, I don’t have an official diagnosis of any of this, but I DO know I have inflammation because my ferritin is high. I also know this because shingles is caused by inflammation. As for cancer, whether I have it or not, the treatment is the same: lower the inflammation in my body. BUT another “cause” for high ferritin is the destruction of cells. My husband read some medical papers explaining this, and it turns out no doctor can accurately say exactly “what” causes ferritin levels to rise. Basically, if I continue on this inflammation path, my cancer likely will come back. I’ve been slacking off on taking my B17, thinking the stem-cell transplant I’d gotten should be doing its job now and fighting off any cancerous tumors, etc. Well, when I first got the stem-cell transplant, they actually severely suppressed my brand new immune system because they thought I had Graft-vs-Host Disease (this is when the new stem cells attack the liver, skin and/or gut). Back then, right after the transplant, by liver counts went up. My husband suggested it was from all the new drugs that had me on, and they agreed it could be that, but they couldn’t take any chances, so they did treatments against GVHD (Graft-vs-Host Disease), which meant SEVERELY suppressing my brand new immune system (which was supposed to fight off the cancer). In doing this, they overdosed me on an immune-suppressant drug called Tacrolimus (a.k.a. TAC). That’s when more tumors started showing up again. This high ferritin problem tells me, I’m still prone to get cancer (it will show up in tumors). Right now, there are no signs of any tumors, and I’m feeling fine, other than the thyroid symptoms (which are caused by my ferritin levels and there’s no sign of cancer on my thyroid). So … I want you all to realize, from the beginning, I’ve asked GOD to be my Physician. HE led me to get the ferritin checked, etc, which was the very test the doctors were reluctant to do, and even thought it was nonsense, saying it had nothing to do with the thyroid. Yet, thyroid experts online suggested this particular test be done. I almost left the house without it the first time I went to get my tests done. I noticed it was missing on my list of tests I had for the doctor, so I looked it up, and found it! Then quickly jotted it down on the paper for the doc. The rest is history. I’m now doing several things to lower this inflammation I have in my body (that’s all it is right now, and Lord Willing, that’s where it will stay and decrease from here): *Getting back on B17, just in case! *Also, putting two drops of Frankincense Essential Oil under my tongue (it’s known to cure cancer; I figured, that can’t hurt either). *Taking Hash Oil (10 DBD to 1 THC) that lowers inflammation. *Taking a supplement called IP6, which lowers inflammation and supports cell defense (remember Karsten’s research above about the cell destruction). *Finding a clinic who will give me high doses of Vitamin C IVs or injections. *And finally, eliminating STRESS. I wrote the above a week and a half ago, and never shared it because I wanted to wait to hear from the hematologist to see what she had to say. I specifically went to see her to find out if she could tell me the CAUSE of the high ferritin levels. When the doctor came into the office, she was friendly, and because her office is in a building that says “Cancer Clinic” in large letters above their front doors (I won’t name this place to keep things private) the first words out of her mouth were, “Just because you’re here, it does not mean you have cancer. So don’t worry!” Etc. But as soon as she heard I previously had cancer, she did a 180. I will cram in about a 20-minute conversation into as brief a summary as possible below: She said there could be a number of reasons my ferritin levels are too high. Then when she learned I’d had cancer previously, all of a sudden THAT was the ONLY reason my ferritin was high, and she strongly urged me to get a CAT scan. I refused. She asked why. I told her I didn’t want to put that poison in my body. I’ve had too many scans and will get cancer from constantly putting more radiation into my body. Before this, I’d told her my entire story, and how at the very end it was the B17 that cured me. I broke down in tears as I shared this, asking why the doctors didn’t give me this to begin with, and how after completely trusting my doctor, I no longer do. I was snotting all over myself and had to ask my husband to get me a tissue. She just stared and showed NO signs of compassion, NONE. After my story, she whipped out a packet from off her desk that talked about the failed trials of B17 (interesting that she had a packet about B17 RIGHT THERE on her desk!). I told her I was aware of those (fake—I didn’t say this) trials, but I didn’t want to get into it with her, so I simply said, “Well, I had five tumors, and they didn’t disappear until I took the B17.” (Really, I had a total of EIGHT tumors since the transplant. The first three tumors went away when I took the B17. Then I quit the B17, and then five more tumors showed up on the scene. This all happened AFTER the stem cell transplant for a year-and-a half stretch of time.) So, when I told her the tumors disappeared after I took the B17, she said, “Well, that means your transplant worked!” I then asked her, “If the transplant worked, why did the tumors keep coming back, and why do you think I have cancer now?” She didn’t have a clear answer. Instead, with obvious irritation and pinched lips, she examined me for tumors and found … NONE. Although, they could still be hidden, which is why she wants me to get a cat scan. In order to calm down her frustration, I told her I’d “think about it.” Honestly, I said that for her sake because she was clearly unhappy with my refusal. I don’t want a cat scan because I don’t want more poison, and whether or not tumors are found, the treatment is going to be the same and NOT with their chemo. She STRONGLY recommended I get a cat scan. She STRONGLY recommended I DON’T take B17. After all, “it has cyanide!” The B17 accounts are all “anecdotal” and there’s no “proof” or “scientific evidence” that it works. (Forget the fact that I’m sitting in her office sharing how it worked for me.) AND by the way, she said the B17 probably CAUSED my ferritin to be too high. I replied with, “Well actually, I wasn’t on the B17 when my ferritin levels went up, and I have only just started to take it again because my ferritin went up.” Sigh I asked her what would happen if I got the CAT scan and they found tumors. She said, then I’d get a PET scan, followed by an MRI, and then a biopsy (why so many different scans? Could money have anything to do with that? Kick backs, etc?). All I could think: Been there, done that. What’s the point if I’m not going to take the chemo? Anyway, she said I had a month to think about it. What I WISH I’d asked her was what would happen if they DIDN’T FIND ANY TUMORS! Ugh. SO we asked her again what the OTHER possible causes for high ferritin could be. FINALLY got the answer we were there for, and it wasn’t anything new. It was exactly what my husband had read in medical papers he found online, and because I don’t have the genetic disorder for high ferritin, she can’t say “why” my ferritin levels are up (unless I get a CAT scan to see if I have hidden tumors), and in the end, none of the doctors understand why the ferritin levels go up and they just let them go up for some patients when they can’t figure out the cause. Anyway, the appointment didn’t go well. She ran two blood tests (from which I now have a ginormous black and blue bruise) and I’ll find out what those say next week, I think. She didn’t tell me how I’d get that information. In the meantime, I’m back on the B17, along with my other vitamins. I’m going to see about getting a Vitamin C infusion, and get back to eating better foods. If I don’t start feeling/getting better, Lord willing, I’ll see a doctor in Mexico who doesn’t charge an arm and a leg for treatments. I've asked God to take me by the hand and lead me to what's best for my body. I trust in Him alone! And no matter what the end results are, God is GOOD. God is LOVE. 2 Chronicles 16:12-13, "In the thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa became diseased in his feet. His disease was severe, yet even in his disease he did not seek the LORD, but the physicians. So Asa slept with his fathers, having died in the forty-first year of his reign." P.S. I just learned from Chris that I can get a high dose of Vitamin C without having to pay a mint for an IV! READ THIS!
Don Wood
7/22/2017 07:57:35 pm
"Whether or not tumors are found, the treatment is going to be the same and NOT with their chemo." Amen! AND AMEN!!! Stick to your guns!!! Love you, Dad
Steve Hoyt
7/22/2017 09:51:48 pm
I will pray for you and God's to lead you to his will for you! Stay strong,! Keep a positive outlook on things,don't let it get you down!
7/31/2017 08:32:37 pm
Thank you, Steve. Your prayers mean so much to me!
You are so brave! Good job seeking answers. Shame on that doctor for not listening to you! May God heal you and guide you and grant you peace. God bless you.
7/31/2017 08:33:49 pm
Yes! Love that verse! Thank you for your prayers! They mean so much to me!
Regina Andrews
7/22/2017 10:04:44 pm
Oh Sandy, my fervent prayers are with you and your family and I will keep praying. Thank you for sharing your journey, is incredible. You are a strong and powerful example of God's love by your strength, fortitude and courage. Keep the faith! ❤️🙏
7/31/2017 08:35:08 pm
Thank you, Regina! Your prayers mean the world to me! God is GOOD, no matter what happens in all of this. He's AWESOME and SO WONDERFUL! Thank you for your prayers!!!
Sharmin Csonka
7/23/2017 04:57:47 am
Why do they do a CAT scan first? Why not a MRI? Couldn't she have just ordered an MRI seeing your concern for radiation?
7/23/2017 05:41:16 am
It's all about money.
Don Wood
7/23/2017 07:46:51 am
Yes, it is all about money and an MRI is more expensive. At least that way they would be able to charge the insurance company something. Why indeed couldn't she have just ordered an MRI seeing your concern for radiation? And why can't you just ask that?
Sherry Church
7/23/2017 12:49:30 pm
I hope you are taking tumeric. I will be praying. Sherry Church
7/23/2017 05:25:38 pm
You have nothing but my utmost respect and sincere prayers! I'm assuming the "genetic disorder" for high ferritin is hemochromosis, but just in case, that IS an illness that will cause high ferritin levels. My husband has it. It is simply treated by occasional blood-letting, believe it or not. Be that as it may, I will pray for you, my friend and know that not only does God love you, but so do the rest of us. :)
7/31/2017 08:31:48 pm
Thank you Victoria! I was tested for hemochromatosis, and I don't have that. Anyway, your prayers mean A LOT! xxx
7/24/2017 08:27:20 am
So sorry you're going through this. I also have small faith in the medical profession. My diagnosis is varicose veins, and I had a blood clot after surgery on a vein that came right back within weeks of surgery. I kept asking why I got the varicose veins. They mumbled something. I didn't stand on my feet, which is the usual reason. After searching the web, I think it's due to poor circulation. I've been doing exercises to move the various parts of me feet. I've found that poor circulation not only leads to vein problems but also to nephropathy and nerve damage which can lead loss of the use of the legs. I've been to numerous doctors complaining about legs and feet, to about 10 foot doctors. None suggested foot exercises. My feet are finally starting to feel like they used to feel years ago. I'm going to up my Vit C...just because. Follow God.
7/25/2017 02:31:40 pm
I don't know if you ever read Dr. Philip Binzels book Alive and Well.
7/31/2017 08:29:43 pm
Laura, you're absolutely right! I DO have that book. I won't be so stupid again! xxx
Wendy Hounsom
7/25/2017 05:48:07 pm
It's frustrating that we don't have anyone to turn to when our health crumbles. They just want to push these awful treatments on us.
7/31/2017 08:27:13 pm
Exactly! GOD is my Physician now.
2/22/2018 11:38:55 pm
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Sandi RogOn November 1, 2010, I was diagnosed with Stage Four Non-Hodgkins T-cell Lymphoma when my oncologist found a tumor in my head. He gave me radiation for this tumor, which continued to light up on all the PET scans for the rest of my treatments, but the growth had stopped. Within a year-and-a-half I was given eight rounds of chemo (including 22-hour bags and other numerous amounts of smaller injections of chemo that are innumerable—nearly bleeding to death twice), 35 treatments of radiation, a stem-cell transplant (which included "enough chemo to kill a healthy person"—my oncologist liked to say—along with full-body radiation), and numerous amounts of drugs and one magnesium vitamin. Archives
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