Over the past few months, I started losing my hair at an alarming rate. So much so, that in the last few weeks I’ve gained three new bald-patches on top of my head just above my forehead. For months I’d noticed that my hairline was receding, revealing an already “high” forehead, but now I’m really in trouble of losing so much of my hair I might have to get a wig. I’ve “done bald” before. I really don’t want to do it again. Arg! So, what’s causing this extreme hair loss, not to mention the extreme fatigue I’ve been battling every day for months on end and the weight-gain that keeps piling on? The answer is coming. First I want to share with you WHO is in charge of my healthcare. I can’t stand going to the doctor. Every time I go to see one, they want to put a band aid on whatever is wrong with me, and they don’t seem to have any desire to find out “why” I’m suffering. Well, after God cured my cancer with His stuff, along with the MS I had, I KNOW God can cure my thyroid issues. GOD is my physician now, and any doctors I see are His “assistants.” PERIOD. 2 Chronicles 16:12-13, “In the thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa became diseased in his feet. His disease was severe, yet even in his disease he did not seek the LORD, but the physicians. So Asa slept with his fathers, having died in the forty-first year of his reign.” I don’t want to be like Asa. So, after a lot of research, on top of a lot of prayer to the Great Physician, I got blood work done from my doctor. When I got the results, I was told I have hypothyroid. “Do you want to take the med?” asked the woman on the phone. “Well …” I said, uncertain and feeling quite overwhelmed with this diagnosis. I mean, what did I know about thyroid issues? Ask me about cancer, no problem. But the thyroid? So, I said, “It depends on what all that would entail.” “Well,” said the woman on the phone in a demeaning voice, “it would entail healing your thyroid and stopping your hair loss.” “Well,” said I. “May I make an appointment with my doctor to find out what the side-effects of this drug would entail?” Unbelievable. Oh, and the side effects are possible temporary hair loss and/or permanent hair loss! I did discover that many (I spoke to a total of three ladies at my church) who are taking this drug (Levothyroxine) and have a full head of hair, and I also spoke to two other ladies who also suffer from thyroid issues but are not taking the drug and still have hair, but it’s thinning. I had no idea that SO MANY women were suffering from thyroid problems! How can this be? Why is this? It’s almost like a silent epidemic that no one knows about until you get diagnosed with it yourself. I always knew that after all the failed cancer treatments I received, I’d have a TON of residual poisons left in my body (namely: chemo, radiation, and radio-active material I received from the many PET scans I got--by the way, after getting this radio-active material put into my blood stream, the hospital would send me home with a note for the police just in case I got pulled over because they picked up “bomb-making” material in our car; apparently this happened to enough patients that they started sending folks home with a “doctor’s note”). My problem was, I didn’t know “how” to get rid of all that mess. What I didn’t realize was that God was leading me to the “cure” long before I asked Him for help. One thing I learned was that our thyroid is dependent on our liver, kidneys and muscles in order to function properly. This is in regards to both hypothyroid and hyperthyroid. So I figured, I just need to fix my liver and kidneys, not to mention, get more exercise. From the beginning, I had a deep nagging sensation that I needed a good detox to get these left-over chemicals out of my body. My gut told me (or shall I say, the Lord told me) that my liver and kidneys were the cause of my thyroid problems. In order to find out “what” caused my thyroid to malfunction, I needed more blood tests. When I saw my doctor for the appointment to discuss the drug (which I didn’t bother discussing because I decided I wasn’t going to take it), I asked for the following extra blood tests. These would tell me if my thyroid was malfunctioning because of an autoimmune problem (which would be Hashimoto’s Disease) or if it’s malfunctioning from the toxins in my body, or for some other reason. He’d already done the TSH and the Free T4 test, which basically said my thyroid is sluggish and therefore “malfunctioning.” These are the usual tests they do for thyroid testing. But I wanted to know “why” it wasn’t working properly, so I asked for the tests below which would give me the “cause” for the malfunction (you’d think a doctor would want this information). He reluctantly ordered the tests, and I’m grateful that he did because many doctors wouldn’t do it. In fact, before this, I was seeing one of his assistants who refused to order these extra tests. I won’t be seeing her anymore, NOT ever again. Anyway, here are the extra tests I asked for that my own doc, thankfully, was willing to give: Free T3 Reverse T3 Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies Thyroglobulin Antibodies Ferritin Serum All the tests came back normal except for my ferritin levels (a.k.a. iron levels). My iron levels are too high, which is what’s causing my thyroid to malfunction. One thing that can cause iron levels to rise is renal failure (which has everything to do with the kidneys). Other causes would be chronic inflammation, chronic alcohol consumption (I don’t drink), liver disease (I likely have toxins in my liver), metabolic syndrome, or cancer (e-hem). With this knowledge, I’m surprised the doctor hasn’t asked me to come in right away to test for these issues. So, I’m thinking of going in to ask for the tests to be done. But I’ll see another doctor in the same office who I hear is very open to natural remedies. In the meantime, God led me to two things that can actually help with ALL the issues I mentioned above: Diatomaceous Earth (DE) and Volcanic Ash (Bentonite Clay). I started taking the Ash one week ago last Wednesday, and I started with the Diatomaceous Earth last Friday. I spoke to the people who know about this stuff, and they say it’s fine to take both together (the DE actually has a small amount of volcanic ash in it already). Both of these things that are from God will clean out both my liver and my kidneys, removing heavy metals and toxins from my body. If you’d like to learn more about these items, this is where I got my Diatomaceous Earth (I suggest you read the testimonials): https://www.earthworkshealth.com. The following link also has interesting information about how silica, which is found in high amounts in DE, can help the kidneys http://blog.silalive.com/kidney-detox-cleanse/. You can Google food grade volcanic ash for more information, and this is where I got it: https://www.utopiasilver.com. Lastly, this is a brief article by a journalist who also has high ferritin levels and says it’s from her chemo treatments (she’s not treating it naturally). This just shows I’m not the only one: http://www.newsmax.com/Health/Ronni-Gordon/cancer-iron-chemotherapy-liver/2014/02/11/id/552202/ Now, I can’t help but ask, “What would happen if I completely trusted in my doctor?” I would have gotten a band-aid put on my thyroid to help the “symptoms” but not the “cause,” and it would not have stopped the increase of my iron levels. In the end, the high iron levels likely would have continued to rise and may have caused liver disease, cancer, renal failure, heart attack, and who knows what else. Can’t get much worse than that! In TOTAL this is what I'm TAKING: Remember, our thyroid is dependent on proper liver and kidney function! *Diatomaceous Earth (this has a high volume of Silica, which will help my kidneys. I believe my kidneys are possibly causing my iron levels to be high, which then is affecting my thyroid) *Volcanic Ash (this will remove the heavy metals ---radiation, chemo, radio-active material--- from my body that could be affecting my kidneys and liver) *Iodine with Kelp (only two drops a day; it's NOT GOOD to overdose on this, or your thyroid could get severely damaged). *Selenium (it's GOOD to take this with the iodine; it also acts as a “protector” for the thyroid from the iodine) *Zinc Picolinate (Picolinate has better absorption from what I've read; I’m taking this because I’ve had a lot of stressful situations which can cause Zinc deficiencies, and a deficiency of Zinc causes hair loss, sleepless nights, and much of what I’m experiencing) *Magnesium Glycinate (400mg; this also helps me sleep at night) *Milk Thistle (this is GOOD for the liver; I just follow the instructions on the bottle) *Vitamin B12 (for energy) *Ashwagandha (I just follow the instructions on the bottle; this is what it’s good for: www.draxe.com/ashwagandha-proven-to-heal-thyroid-and-adrenals/)
Sandi RogOn November 1, 2010, I was diagnosed with Stage Four Non-Hodgkins T-cell Lymphoma when my oncologist found a tumor in my head. He gave me radiation for this tumor, which continued to light up on all the PET scans for the rest of my treatments, but the growth had stopped. Within a year-and-a-half I was given eight rounds of chemo (including 22-hour bags and other numerous amounts of smaller injections of chemo that are innumerable—nearly bleeding to death twice), 35 treatments of radiation, a stem-cell transplant (which included "enough chemo to kill a healthy person"—my oncologist liked to say—along with full-body radiation), and numerous amounts of drugs and one magnesium vitamin. Archives
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